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Poet: Fan Chengda(範成大)

Dynasty: Northern Song .
37 translations of 30 poems found.

1Cui zu xing. 催租行. Four Song in Imitation of Wang Chien (Pressing for Tax Payment). Translation by Wu-chi Liu, in Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry, p. 388.
2Han shi jiao xing shu shi. 寒食郊行書事. A Description of Walking in hte Meadows on Cold Food Festival (first of two). Translation by Stephen Owen, in An Anthology of Chinese Literature: Beginnings to 1911, pp. 657-658.
3La yue cun tian yuefu shi shou (qi qi) Zhao tian can xing. 臘月村田樂府十首 (其七) 照田蠶行. Иллюминация в честь шелкопряда / Illumination in honor of the silkworm. Translation by А. Арго / A. Argo, in Антология китайской поэзии в 4 томах. Том 3 / Anthology of Chinese poetry in 4 volumes. Volume 3, pp. 64-65.
4.1Lao she geng. 勞畲耕. Consoling the Yü Farmers. Translation by Wu-chi Liu, in Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry, pp. 390-391.
4.2Lao she geng. 勞畲耕. Похвала выжиганью полей / Praise for the burning of the fields. Translation by А. Арго / A. Argo, in Антология китайской поэзии в 4 томах. Том 3 / Anthology of Chinese poetry in 4 volumes. Volume 3, pp. 67-69.
5Le shen qu. 樂神曲. Four Song in Imitation of Wang Chien (Rejoicing the Spirits). Translation by Wu-chi Liu, in Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry, p. 387.
6.1Qiao si xing. 繰絲行. Ballade des Dévideuses de Soie. Translation by Pénélope Bourgeois and Max Kaltenmark, in Anthologie de la Poésie Chinoise Classique, p. 381.
6.2Qiao si xing. 繰絲行. Four Song in Imitation of Wang Chien (Reeling Silk). Translation by Wu-chi Liu, in Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry, pp. 387-388.
6.3Qiao si xing. 繰絲行. Размотка шелковичных коконов / Unwinding silk cocoons. Translation by А. Арго / A. Argo, in Антология китайской поэзии в 4 томах. Том 3 / Anthology of Chinese poetry in 4 volumes. Volume 3, p. 66.
7Shiyi yue shi’er ri zhen shang xiao zuo. 十一月十二日枕上曉作. Written While Lying on My Pillow in the Morning on the Twelfth Day of the Eleventh Month. Translation by Wu-chi Liu, in Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry, p. 389.
8Si shi tian yuan za xing. 四時田園雜興. Various Occasions of Interest in the Fields and Gardens Through the Four Seasons. Translation by Stephen Owen, in An Anthology of Chinese Literature: Beginnings to 1911, p. 659.
9Si shi tian yuan za xing (Bai fei zao tang xue yong bo). 四時田園雜興(百沸繰湯雪湧波). From “A Rural Sequence” (Summer 2). Translation by Gerald Bullett, in Anthology of Chinese Literature: From Early Times to the Fourteenth Century, p. 387.
10Si shi tian yuan za xing (Chui cheng se shi ku jian nan). 四時田園雜興 (垂成穡事苦艱難). Осенние радости в деревне / Autumn joys in the countryside [combined with 四時田園雜興 (秋來只怕雨垂垂 and 租船滿載候開倉) in one poem]. Translation by А. Арго / A. Argo, in Антология китайской поэзии в 4 томах. Том 3 / Anthology of Chinese poetry in 4 volumes. Volume 3, pp. 72-73.
11Si shi tian yuan za xing (Er mai ju qiu dou bai qian). 四時田園雜興 (二麥俱秋斗百錢). Летние радости в деревне / Summer joys in the countryside [combined with 四時田園雜興 (小婦連宵上絹機) in one poem]. Translation by А. Арго / A. Argo, in Антология китайской поэзии в 4 томах. Том 3 / Anthology of Chinese poetry in 4 volumes. Volume 3, p. 71.
12Si shi tian yuan za xing (Gao tian er mai jie shan qing). 四時田園雜興(高田二麥接山青). Весенние радости в деревне / Spring joys in the countryside. Translation by А. Арго / A. Argo, in Антология китайской поэзии в 4 томах. Том 3 / Anthology of Chinese poetry in 4 volumes. Volume 3, p. 70.
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