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37 translations of 30 poems found.
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Poet: Fan Chengda(範成大)
Dynasty: Northern Song .37 translations of 30 poems found.
1 | Cui zu xing. 催租行. Four Song in Imitation of Wang Chien (Pressing for Tax Payment). Translation by Wu-chi Liu, in Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry, p. 388. |
2 | Han shi jiao xing shu shi. 寒食郊行書事. A Description of Walking in hte Meadows on Cold Food Festival (first of two). Translation by Stephen Owen, in An Anthology of Chinese Literature: Beginnings to 1911, pp. 657-658. |
3 | La yue cun tian yuefu shi shou (qi qi) Zhao tian can xing. 臘月村田樂府十首 (其七) 照田蠶行. Иллюминация в честь шелкопряда / Illumination in honor of the silkworm. Translation by А. Арго / A. Argo, in Антология китайской поэзии в 4 томах. Том 3 / Anthology of Chinese poetry in 4 volumes. Volume 3, pp. 64-65. |
4.1 | Lao she geng. 勞畲耕. Consoling the Yü Farmers. Translation by Wu-chi Liu, in Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry, pp. 390-391. |
4.2 | Lao she geng. 勞畲耕. Похвала выжиганью полей / Praise for the burning of the fields. Translation by А. Арго / A. Argo, in Антология китайской поэзии в 4 томах. Том 3 / Anthology of Chinese poetry in 4 volumes. Volume 3, pp. 67-69. |
5 | Le shen qu. 樂神曲. Four Song in Imitation of Wang Chien (Rejoicing the Spirits). Translation by Wu-chi Liu, in Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry, p. 387. |
6.1 | Qiao si xing. 繰絲行. Ballade des Dévideuses de Soie. Translation by Pénélope Bourgeois and Max Kaltenmark, in Anthologie de la Poésie Chinoise Classique, p. 381. |
6.2 | Qiao si xing. 繰絲行. Four Song in Imitation of Wang Chien (Reeling Silk). Translation by Wu-chi Liu, in Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry, pp. 387-388. |
6.3 | Qiao si xing. 繰絲行. Размотка шелковичных коконов / Unwinding silk cocoons. Translation by А. Арго / A. Argo, in Антология китайской поэзии в 4 томах. Том 3 / Anthology of Chinese poetry in 4 volumes. Volume 3, p. 66. |
7 | Shiyi yue shi’er ri zhen shang xiao zuo. 十一月十二日枕上曉作. Written While Lying on My Pillow in the Morning on the Twelfth Day of the Eleventh Month. Translation by Wu-chi Liu, in Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry, p. 389. |
8 | Si shi tian yuan za xing. 四時田園雜興. Various Occasions of Interest in the Fields and Gardens Through the Four Seasons. Translation by Stephen Owen, in An Anthology of Chinese Literature: Beginnings to 1911, p. 659. |
9 | Si shi tian yuan za xing (Bai fei zao tang xue yong bo). 四時田園雜興(百沸繰湯雪湧波). From “A Rural Sequence” (Summer 2). Translation by Gerald Bullett, in Anthology of Chinese Literature: From Early Times to the Fourteenth Century, p. 387. |
10 | Si shi tian yuan za xing (Chui cheng se shi ku jian nan). 四時田園雜興 (垂成穡事苦艱難). Осенние радости в деревне / Autumn joys in the countryside [combined with 四時田園雜興 (秋來只怕雨垂垂 and 租船滿載候開倉) in one poem]. Translation by А. Арго / A. Argo, in Антология китайской поэзии в 4 томах. Том 3 / Anthology of Chinese poetry in 4 volumes. Volume 3, pp. 72-73. |
11 | Si shi tian yuan za xing (Er mai ju qiu dou bai qian). 四時田園雜興 (二麥俱秋斗百錢). Летние радости в деревне / Summer joys in the countryside [combined with 四時田園雜興 (小婦連宵上絹機) in one poem]. Translation by А. Арго / A. Argo, in Антология китайской поэзии в 4 томах. Том 3 / Anthology of Chinese poetry in 4 volumes. Volume 3, p. 71. |
12 | Si shi tian yuan za xing (Gao tian er mai jie shan qing). 四時田園雜興(高田二麥接山青). Весенние радости в деревне / Spring joys in the countryside. Translation by А. Арго / A. Argo, in Антология китайской поэзии в 4 томах. Том 3 / Anthology of Chinese poetry in 4 volumes. Volume 3, p. 70. |