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Poet: Sa Dula(薩都剌)

Dynasty: Yuan .
5 translations of 5 poems found.

1Guo Gaoyou Sheyang hu (piao xiao shu shao feng). 過高郵射陽湖 (飄蕭樹梢風). En Passant sur le Lac Cho-yang. Translation by Che-kiun Siao and Yves Hervouet, in Anthologie de la Poésie Chinoise Classique, p. 459.
2Man jiang hong: Jinling huai gu. 滿江紅 · 金陵懷古. Sur L‘air "Du Rouge Plein le fleuve". Translation by Odile Kaltenmark and Max Kaltenmark, in Anthologie de la Poésie Chinoise Classique, pp. 463-464.
3Qiu ri chi shang. 秋日池上. Autumn Day by a Pond. Translation by Tony Barnstone and Chou Ping, in The Anchor Book of Chinese Poetry, p. 299.
4Shang jing ji shi (Zi sai feng gao gong li qiang). 上京即事(紫塞風高弓力強). from Shangjing Instant Poems 1. Translation by Tony Barnstone and Chou Ping, in The Anchor Book of Chinese Poetry, p. 299.
5Zeng tan zheng zhe. 贈彈箏者. To a Zheng Player. Translation by Tony Barnstone and Chou Ping, in The Anchor Book of Chinese Poetry, p. 299.