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Poet: Ji Kang(嵇康)

Dynasty: Three Kingdoms [Wei, Shu, Wu] .
21 translations of 13 poems found.

1Da er Guo shi san shou (3). 答二郭詩三首 其三. In Reply to the Two Guos, Three Poems. Translation by Nanxiu Qian, in How to Read Chinese Poetry in Context: Poetic Culture from Antiquity through the Tang, pp. 120-121.
2.1Dai qiu hu ge shi qi shou (5). 代秋胡歌詩七首 (五). Taoist Song. Translation by Arthur Waley, in A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems, p. 64.
2.2Dai qiu hu ge shi qi shou (5). 代秋胡歌詩七首 (五). A Song of Disillusionment. Translation by John Turner, in Classical Chinese Literature: An Anthology of Translations. Vol. I, from Antiquity to the Tang Dynasty, p. 463.
3Jiu hui shi. 酒會詩. Вірш про бенкет / A poem about a banquet. Translation by Шекера Я. / Shekera Ya., in Хрестоматія китайської літератури (ІІІ-VI ст.) / Reader on Chinese literature (III-VI century), pp. 36-37.
4.1Qin fu. 琴賦. The Lute: A Rhapsody [Extracts]. Translation by Robert Van Gulik, in Classical Chinese Literature: An Anthology of Translations. Vol. I, from Antiquity to the Tang Dynasty, pp. 458-462.
4.2Qin fu. 琴賦. Rhyme-Prose on the Zither. Translation by Nanxiu Qian, in How to Read Chinese Poetry in Context: Poetic Culture from Antiquity through the Tang, p. 122.
4.3Qin fu. 琴賦. Rhapsody on the Zither. Translation by David Knechtges, in Wen Xuan, or Selections of Refined Literature, Volume III: Rhapsodies on Natural Phenomena, Birds and Animals, Aspirations and Feelings, Sorrowful Laments, Literature, Music, and Passions, pp. 279-303.
5.1Si yan zeng xiong Xiucai ru jun shi (15). 四言贈兄秀才入軍詩 (十五). Sent to the Hsiu-ts’ai on His Entry into the Army. Translation by Burton Watson, in The Columbia Book of Chinese Poetry: From Early Times to the Thirteenth Century, p. 152.
5.2Si yan zeng xiong Xiucai ru jun shi (15). 四言贈兄秀才入軍詩 (十五). 18 віршів, присвячених старшому братові сюцаю, що пішов до армії (15) / 18 poems dedicated to the elder brother xiuqai who joined the army (15). Translation by Шекера Я. / Shekera Ya., in Хрестоматія китайської літератури (ІІІ-VI ст.) / Reader on Chinese literature (III-VI century), p. 35.
6Xiong Xiucai gong rujun zengshi. 兄秀才公穆入軍贈詩. To My Elder Brother the Lord Xiucai on His Joining the Army. Translation by Nanxiu Qian, in How to Read Chinese Poetry in Context: Poetic Culture from Antiquity through the Tang, pp. 118-119.
7Youfen shi. 幽憤詩. On Sorrow. Translation by Nanxiu Qian, in How to Read Chinese Poetry in Context: Poetic Culture from Antiquity through the Tang, pp. 121-122.
8Zeng xiong Xiucai ru jun shi shi ba shou (13). 贈兄秀才入軍詩十八首(十三). Six Poems from ‘Eighteen Poems Presented to Hsi Hsi on his Joining the Army’ (No.13). Translation by J.D. Frodsham, in An Anthology of Chinese Verse: Han Wei Chin And the Northern And Southern Dynasties, p. 70.
9.1Zeng xiong Xiucai ru jun shi shi ba shou (14). 贈兄秀才入軍詩十八首(十四). Six Poems from ‘Eighteen Poems Presented to Hsi Hsi on his Joining the Army’ (No.14). Translation by J.D. Frodsham, in An Anthology of Chinese Verse: Han Wei Chin And the Northern And Southern Dynasties, p. 71.
9.2Zeng xiong Xiucai ru jun shi shi ba shou (14). 贈兄秀才入軍詩十八首(十四). 18 віршів, присвячених старшому братові сюцаю, що пішов до армії (14) / 18 poems dedicated to the elder brother xiuqai who joined the army (14). Translation by Шекера Я. / Shekera Ya., in Хрестоматія китайської літератури (ІІІ-VI ст.) / Reader on Chinese literature (III-VI century), p. 36.
9.3Zeng xiong Xiucai ru jun shi shi ba shou (14). 贈兄秀才入軍詩十八首(十四). Dem Blühenden Talent zu seinem Eintritt ins Heer gewidmet. Translation by Günther Debon, in Chinesische Dichtung: Geschichte Struktur, Theorie, p. 226.
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