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Poet: Ma Dai(馬戴)

Dynasty: Sui-Tang .
7 translations of 5 poems found.

1.1Ba shang qiu ju. 灞上秋居. An Autumn Resident on the Pa. Translation by Shih Shun Liu, in One Hundred and One Chinese Poems, p. 111.
1.2Ba shang qiu ju. 灞上秋居. An Autumn Cottage at Pa-shang. Translation by Witter Bynner, in The Jade Mountain: A Chinese Anthology: Being Three Hundred Poems of the T'ang Dynasty 618-906, p. 148.
1.3Ba shang qiu ju. 灞上秋居. Herbstbleibe am Ufer des Pa. Translation by Günther Debon, in Chinesische Dichtung: Geschichte Struktur, Theorie, p. 258.
2Chu jiang huai gu. 楚江懷古. Thoughts of Old Time on the Ch'u River. Translation by Witter Bynner, in The Jade Mountain: A Chinese Anthology: Being Three Hundred Poems of the T'ang Dynasty 618-906, p. 148.
3Guo ye sou ju. 過野叟居. Le Vieux Paysan. Translation by G. Margoulies, in Anthologie Raisonnée de la Littérature Chinoise, p. 193.
4Ji Zhongnan Zhenkong chanshi. 寄終南真空禪師. Sent to the Chan Master Zhenkong on Mount Zhongnan. Translation by Stephen Owen, in The Late Tang: Chinese Poetry of the Mid-Ninth Century (827-860), p. 139.
5Jiangxing liubie. 江行留別. Traveling on the River, Detained at Parting. Translation by Stephen Owen, in The Late Tang: Chinese Poetry of the Mid-Ninth Century (827-860), p. 138.